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“atmospheric radiation”
In geophysics, the radiation emitted by the atmosphere either upward into space or downward toward the Earth: Atmospheric radiation consists mainly of long-wavelength terrestrial radiation plus the small amount of short-wavelength solar radiation absorbed in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric radiation can also be said to be infrared radiation which is released by or also produced by the atmosphere.
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Word Entries containing the term:
“atmospheric radiation”
1. A program involving the detection or measurement of electromagnetic radiation: ARM is applied in particular to devices used to measure infrared radiation.
2. Research including the detection of microwave thermal radiation and similar weak wide-band signals that resemble noise and are obscured by receiver noise: The primary atmospheric radiation measurement application using an atmospheric radiometer has been on board spacecraft measuring atmospheric and terrestrial radiation, and they are mostly used for meteorological or oceanographic remote-sensing.
2. Research including the detection of microwave thermal radiation and similar weak wide-band signals that resemble noise and are obscured by receiver noise: The primary atmospheric radiation measurement application using an atmospheric radiometer has been on board spacecraft measuring atmospheric and terrestrial radiation, and they are mostly used for meteorological or oceanographic remote-sensing.
Their secondary application is also meteorological, as zenith-pointing surface instruments that view the Earth's atmosphere in a region above the stationary instrument.
By understanding the physical processes associated with energy emission at these wavelengths, scientists can calculate a variety of surface and atmospheric parameters from these measurements, including air temperature, sea surface temperature, salinity, soil moisture, sea ice, precipitation, the total amount of water vapor and the total amount of liquid water in the atmospheric column directly above or below the instrument.
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atmo-, atm- +
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sphero-, spher-, -sphere-
(page 4)